My Dream

My Dream:To become a nurse and/or become a famous singer!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daily Devotional for December 28

I did not write this devotional. I was laying on the floor reading this and I want to share it with all of you guys.This one really opened my eyes on some things.  When I was reading this I was listing to "Your Love" by Brandon Heath. I hope you like it!

One of my all-time favorite jokes is about the guy who was applying for a truck driver’s job. As part of the oral exam to pass the driving test, the instructor said, “Let’s say you and your sidekick Bob are going down a steep hill and all of a sudden your brakes go out, and at the bottom of the steep incline is a train stalled on the tracks. What would you do?”
The applicant replied, “I’d wake Bob up!”
Puzzled by his response, the instructor asked, “Why would you wake up Bob?”
“Well, me and Bob have traveled a lot of miles together and we have seen a lot of pretty spectacular wrecks, but Bob ain’t never seen a wreck like the wreck that’s going to happen at the bottom of the hill!”
This fallen, broken world we live in is a lot like a runaway truck without brakes—on its way to sure destruction. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be caught sleeping in the passenger seat of that truck!
Thankfully, Paul makes it very clear that Jesus provided a way of escape from this fallen, destined-for-destruction world order. When he told the Corinthian believers in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that old things are passed away, he was talking about the old world order that is headed for judgment. And Paul uses the past tense to assure us that the certain doom is already accomplished. Thankfully, Jesus has already paid the price to avert our riding this world’s 18-wheeler to disaster. It is historical fact, already accomplished for those who are in Christ.
What that means for those of us who are in Christ is that we are no longer in the death grip of the “old things”: All the dark seductions of our fallen world. All the lying and deceit. All the over-the-line sensuality and immorality. All the damage and despair caused by slavery to sin. This is all the old, outdated stuff that is marked for judgment and extinction.
Instead, we as His followers are part of a “new creation.” When Paul proclaimed the good news that “the new has come,” he used the perfect tense of the Greek language, indicating a past action with continuing results. In other words, there are ongoing ramifications of Jesus’ past action to save us. In the perfect tense, His past action is intended to continue to produce results; results that reflect the new order of a life in the grip of Jesus’ love. New stuff like honesty, purity, forgiveness, generosity, servant hood, faithfulness, and compassion for those who are sleeping in the passenger seat of the runaway truck. His process of making us into a new creation is ongoing, anchored in the historical bedrock of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. That means that we as His followers are, in a sense, a “work in progress” looking more and more like His new creation all the time.
At the start of this new year, it’s a good time to ask if your life looks more like the old or more like the new. As a “new creation” in Jesus, what are the results in your life that clearly reflect His new way of living? Let’s wake up to the fact that we don’t belong to the darkness of this fallen world, and gladly embrace the new dynamics that God wants to create in our lives.
Live to make progress in the perfect tense of Christ’s finished work and make it a New Year that will be a lot more like the new and a lot less like the old.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Well today is Labor Day!!  A day that we celebrate our labor. I hope that you all have a good Labor Day! :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Elkhart County 4-H Fair

  Goodness me its almost fair time!!  And I am not ready for it but I can't postpone it so I'll have to deal with it. :) If any friends of mine would like to know when I show my calf it is Tuesday the 26th at 3:00 pm. It will be in the Beef/Dairy Arena.   So I hope some of you can come and enjoy the Elkhart County 4-H Fair!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fun Day

My dad's cousins and their children came to visit from New Hampshire.   We had a ball at my great aunts house and pond :) We went swimming in my great aunts pond(which I forgot my bathingsuit so I went swimming in my clothes)!! Then we had a water fight and then we went fishing. It's sad that I only got to see them for a couple hours.  Here is some pictures of us:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

American Idol

Comment who is your favorite person on American Idol.  I personally like Scotty Mccreery! I wish I could meet him.:(  Please comment!!

Change of plans

Sizzler is not doing very well so he didn't go to weigh in.  I have a new calf and his name is "BIG MACK". I like him better than "Sizzler".  But he is BIG, big for me anyway. So hope you like the pic.

Me and my Baby

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Calf

From the left is Lane,Sizzler,Hope (me)

 This is my calf for 4-H!!! I'm trying this out for the first time so I might stink at it!!!lol These are old pictures of Sizzler so I'll try to get some new ones on here. I just started leading him and holy cow (sorry Sizzler but I had to say that)lol. He is a stinker he was soo hard to pull at first.......but now he is leading soooo much better!!! He is like my BFF. Between him and Lane I think I have pretty good farm friends!!  Sizzler is kept at my friends' house because they live on a farm. (kinda makes more sense to keep him there than keep him at our place when we have nowhere to put him).
Sizzler and Me with Lane in the background

This is the best picture of all!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blue Skies

I am so amazed at God's creation!  That the creater of the universe created this beautiful, beautiful stuff.                                                

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Eve

The parents and Davis in the blue shirt

I had a great time at a friend's house this New Year's Eve. I had so much fun!  I played Wii, UNO Flash,  watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and Mythbusters. The parents had fun playing games, talking, or just laughing. Thanks for the fun and laughing!!!

Joshy with "the force" on his head

Here is a picture of the older kids
Hudson, Ethan, Jonathan, Austin, Kenzie, & Hope (me)

Snow, Snow, Snow

I don't think we got alot of snow this year so far. I usually don't like snow..........but this year I like it a little...........ok I like it this year, because of the sledding and snow ball fights and going down to the creek when it is frozen solid.  But I love doing these thing with my little brother.  I treasure my little brother, Jon. He is my friend, brother, and wii companion.  I laugh when Abby goes outside to do her business (in the snow) and I chase her.  She does (as I call it) the tail, tuck, and run.  But what I treasure the most is the birth of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.  Born of a virgin in a feeding trough. That is what I treasure the most this year.